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Standard Specifications For Road, Bridgeand Municipal Constructio

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Download Standard Specifications For Road, Bridgeand Municipal Constructio Easily In PDF Format For Free.

These Standard Specifications For Road, Bridge, And Municipal Construction Have Been Developed To Serve As A Baseline For The Work Delivered To The Public By The Washington State Department Of Transportation (WSDOT). The Standard Specifications Are Incorporated Into He Written Agreement (Contract) Between WSDOT As Contracting Agency And The Contractor, Except Where The Contract Indicates That A Particular Specification Has Been Amended Or Replaced With A Special Provision To Resolve Project-Specific Issues.

The Decision To Amend Or Replace Any Standard Specification With A Special Provision Is Made During The Design Process And Is Based Upon The Sound Engineering Judgment Of The Project Designer. These Standard Specifications Reflect Years Of Refinement Through The Literally Hundreds Of Projects The Department Delivers Each Year. In Addition, The Standards Are The Result Of Countless Hours Of Development And Review By Both Our Internal WSDOT Staff As Well As Our Industry Partners Through The Joint WSDOT/Associated General Contractors’ Standing Committees. Finally, These Standards Reflect The Contracting Philosophy And Balance Of Risk-Allocation That The Department Has Adopted Through The Years.

We Believe That This Balance Of Risks Provides Us The Lowest Final Cost Solution To Our Transportation Needs. For Example, Shifting Risk To The Contractor Can Provide More Certainty On Final Cost, But May Result In Higher Initial Cost. On The Other Hand, Accepting More Risk By The Owner Can Result In Lower Initial Costs, But Less Certainty On The Final Cost. We At The Department Of Transportation Believe That We Have Reached The Optimum Point Of Balance For Risk, And We Will Continue To Consider This Balance On All Future Specification Revisions. The Language Above Indicates That These Specifications Are To Be Used Only As A Guideline During The Design Process, And That Is True. Once They Have Been Incorporated Into A Contract, However, They Become The Legal And Enforceable Language Of That Contract.

The Standard Specifications, The Amendments To The Standards, And The Project Special Provisions, Along With Any Attachments In The Contract Documents, Define A Contract And Are No Longer Seen As Guidelines. Rather, They Are The Written Agreement, Subject To Revision Only Through The Change Order Process. This Preface Is For Informational Purposes Only And Is Not To Be Used To Interpret Or Affect The Terms. The Contractor Shall Install Vents At High Points And Drains At Low Points Of The Tendon Profile (And At Other Places If The Plans Require). Vents At High Points Shall Consist Of A Set Of Three Vents:

One To Be Installed At The High Point Of The Duct, And Flanking Vents To Be Installed On Either Side Of The High-Point Vent At Locations Where The Duct Profile Is 8 To 12 Inches Below The Elevation Of The High-Point Vent. Vents Shall Include Grout Injection Ports. Vents And Drains Shall Have A Minimum Inside Diameter Of ¾ Inches, And Shall Be Of Either Stainless Steel, Nylon, Or Polyolefin Materials, Free Of Water-Soluble Chlorides Or Other Chemicals Reactive With Concrete Or Post-Tensioning Reinforcement.

Stainless Steel Vents And Drains Shall Conform To ASTM A 240 Type 316. Nylon Vents And Drains Shall Conform To Cell Classification S-PA0141 (Weather-Resistant). Polyolefin Vents And Drains Shall Contain An Antioxidant With A Minimum Oxidation Induction Time Of 20 Minutes In Accordance With ASTM D 3895. Polyolefin Vents And Drains Shall Also Have A Stress Crack Resistance Of 3 Hours Minimum When Tested At An Applied Stress Of 350 Psi In Accordance With ASTM F 2136. All Fasteners Shall Be Appropriate For Use With Plastic Ducts, And All Clamps Shall Be Of An Approved Plastic Material. Taping Of Connections Is Not Allowed. Valves Shall Be Positive Mechanical Shut-Off Valves. Valves, And Associated Caps, Shall Have A Minimum Pressure Rating Of 100 Psi.
