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Construction Project Management

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This sixthedition of the well‐respectedtext on construction project management represents a significant revision. The intent is to retain the flavor and quality of the classic book while eliminating some of the detail and updating the content. The content is enhanced by the addition of new materialintroducing some rapidly evolving topics in construction project management. New instructionalmaterials have also been addedto each chapter to increase its value in the classroom. 

A new example project, selected from the building sector, has been incorporated. Finally, this book takes advantage of advances in technology by employing a companion website that contains materialthat was appendedat the endof the bookor insertedas oversizedfigures in previous editions.

Some detail (suchas the detailedcost estimate)andsome older content, such as that describing the Arrow Diagramming Method for Critical Path representation have been greatly reduced or eliminated. 

The coverage of other topics has been increased, andnew topics have been added. Reference to line‐ of‐balance scheduling, whichprovides a valuable representation of repetitive projects, has been expanded. 

An introduction to Building Information Modeling (BIM)andits associatedcontract basis foundedon IntegratedProject Delivery (IPD) has been added. Also a section and various references throughout the book have been addedto introduce the basics of lean construction.

 To support the use of the bookin a learning environment, an introductory section for each chapter has been added that includes a bulleted list of learning objectives. At the end of each chapter, a list of key points from the chapter has been provided, together withreview questions and problems. 

To support live delivery of classes, a set of PowerPoint slides has been preparedfor eachchapter. It is anticipatedthat these instructional enhancements willenrichthe learning experience provided by the book.

 To broaden the scope of the sixthedition, a new example project in the form of a commercial building has been added. The bridge example is retainedandin many instances is the single example of reference where topics are addressedthat represent the building sector as wellas the heavy civilsector.
