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Concrete Buildings Scheme Design Manual

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Andrew Minson was the originator of the concept for this book, but the final format and content have  evolved  over  time  with  input  gratefully  received  by  the  author,  Owen  Brooker,  from  a number of people. 

The book contains some new material but many of the ideas and much of the data have been developed from many sources over several years. It is not possible to credit every source; indeed many are unknown, but wherever possible, references have been made to relevant documents.

 Particular thanks are due to Jenny Burridge and Bob Wilson who have spent considerable time reviewing and commenting on drafts and providing useful guidance on what the examiners are expecting. 

Thanks are also due John Brazier, Andrew Cotter, Bryan Magee and Matt Obst, who have commented or made useful contributions in more specialised areas. Gillian Bond, Issy Harvey and Michael Burbridge Ltd have also made essential contributions to the production of this handbook.

he  examination  is  intended  to  be  a  test  of  the  candidate’s  ability  to  develop  detailed solutions  for  challenging  structural  problems. Candidates  will  need  to  demonstrate  their understanding of structural engineering and be able to produce two alternative solutions that are robust, stable and buildable.

 They will also have to demonstrate their knowledge and experience through sketches, diagrams, calculations and descriptions of their solutions. The examination is highly regarded throughout the world and provides a challenging test for the candidate. 

However, those who have a good all-round experience in structural engineering and who have thoroughly prepared should be able to pass the examination at the first attempt
