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gravel roads construction and maintenance guide

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Good gravel road maintenance or rehabilitation depends on two basic principles: proper use of a motorgrader (or other grading device) and use of good surface gravel. The use of the grader to properly shape the road is obvious to almost everyone, but the quality , volume, and size distribution of gravel needed is not as well understood. It seems that most gravel maintenance or rehabilitation problems are blamed on the grader operator when the actual problem is often material related. 

This is particularly true when dealing with the problem of corrugation or “washboarding” as it is often called in the field. This problem is often perceived as being caused by the grader, but it is primarily caused by the material itself. This manual provides information on what makes a good gravel road surface. Another important matter to consider is the dramatic change in the vehicles and equipment using low volume roads. Tire pressures have increased to accommodate an ever expanding fleet of commercial trucks and agricultural equipment increasing in size, weight, and horsepower . The damaging effect of larger and heavier vehicles on our paved roads is well understood and requires the construction of stronger bases and pavements. But, the effect of these vehicles on gravel roads is just as serious and it is often not recognized. The strength of the subgrade and depth of the material needed to carry today’s heavy loads must be considered, along with proper drainage. 

For these reasons, sections of this manual are focused on construction, drainage, surface gravel, and stabilization of these roads. The final section of the manual covers innovations in the gravel road maintenance and rehabilitation industry. Change is constant in almost every aspect of this modern world and new and different methods of maintaining gravel roads is no exception.

 There are new ways of stabilizing roads, new methods of dust control, and different kinds of equipment available for maintenance or rehabilitation of gravel roads. Alternative surface materials such as recycled pavement or blends of recycled and virgin aggregate are being used. Not all of these innovations may be available or practical for every local agency , but everyone is encouraged to take an objective look at each alternative. Then, an informed decision can be made about changing the way gravel roads are designed and maintained within their particular jurisdiction. Appendix A provides brief, basic guidance on construction or reconstruction of gravel roads..
