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This book has been updated and rewritten to take account of the changes introduced by the third edition of the Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement (CESMM3) and the relevant provisions of the sixth edition of the ICE Conditions of Contract. Steps have also been taken to extend the usefulness of the book. 

The second edition to CESMM sought to secure a clearer, more comprehensive and increasingly  rationalised approach to measurement. The continued use of method-related charges has been welcomed as their use on a wide scale has reduced Contractors' cash flow problems and assisted considerably with the pricing of variations.

 Not all costs are proportional to the quantities of permanent work on the majority of civil engineering contracts, and the use of method-related charges assists in the identification and assessment of such costs. This edition examines the third edition to CESMM in  detail and applies the Method to a wide range of constructional work by means of worked examples, including the new sections in classes Y and Z.

 The worked examples contain suitable drawings and the  hand-written dimensions are accompanied by extensive explanatory notes describing the approach to measurement and the application of the general principles, work classifications and accompanying rules contained in CESMM3. The CESMM3 coding has been included  in  the worked examples for identification purposes. 

The provisions in  the  ICE  Conditions of Contract (Sixth  Edition) appertaining to measurement and financial aspects of contracts are examined in some detail together with the more significant consequences.

 Finally, the various bill preparation processes are described and illustrated, including the use of computers. It is  hoped that this new edition will serve the needs of practising civil engineers and quantity surveyors and students of these disciplines, in the measurement of this class of work, even more effectively than the previous editions.

The author expresses his thanks to The Institution of Civil Engineers for kind permission to quote from the Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement (Third Edition) and the General Conditions of Contract for use in connection with Works of Civil Engineering Construction (Sixth Edition). 

The Ellis Schoof of Building and Surveying kindly gave consent for the use of some of the concepts contained in course material prepared by the author for the Schoof in years past. The author is  deeply indebted to Dr Martin Barnes for his kind permission to refer to his authoritative work, The CESMM3 Handbook (Thomas Telford, London, 1992) which comprehensively amplifies the third edition of the Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement.

Grateful thanks are also due to the publishers for abundant help and consideration during the production of the book, and for consent to quote from Civil Engineering Contract Administration and Control.

 Ronald Sears prepared the additional handwritten dimensions and amendments to the original sheets, which are of outstanding quality and which contribute so much to the character and usefulness of the book.
