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accident prevention and osha compliance

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Years ago, when man stepped on the surface of the moon for the very first time, the world watched that achievement with great pride and much interest. That  accomplishment  was  not  due  to  chance,  but  rather  to  the  work  and planning of the professionals who were engineers and scientists. 

The event was indeed spectacular in the scientific sense, but also in the moral sense (Interna­ tional Labour Office, Geneva, Switzerland). 

The success of the mission could not have happened without a program to ensure the safety of the astronauts and the  safety  systems of the  space vehicle.

Today,  concerns  are being expressed about pollution  and damage to our environment. We are nervous about the thousands of hazardous chemicals and compounds that are produced with little thought to their handling and disposal.

 Admittedly, we only really got excited about physical injuries when the Occu­ pational  Safety  and  Health  Act  was  signed  into  law  in  1970.  That  law  told employers to provide a healthful workplace for their employees; the assurance that they would comply with the Act would be the Bureau of Labor’s statistics that flagged  their injuries  and the  OSHA inspections  that would follow.

Successful  companies  throughout  the  world  all  have  outstanding  safety and health programs, which again, did not happen by chance. They recognized that  the  success  of  their  mission  would  be  enhanced  by  the  professional management of safety. Today’s managers will have to provide aggressive and consistent  leadership. 

 They  will  have  to  be  innovative  in  the  application  of standards and controls. And, they will have to provide adequate financial and manpower  resources  to  control  the  hazards  that  interrupt  the  order  of good business.  Without management’s commitment, progress is unlikely  and inju­ ries  and illnesses in  the  workplace will  continue.

Safety  is  not and cannot be  first.  Instead,  what is first is profit,  mission, product,  service,  and  the  strength  and  growth  of  your  business.  However, safety is important because it can either support or damage the above, so it must be fully integrated into your plans and operations. Safe and efficient production will maximize your profits.  In other words,  safety  is  the avoidance of loss.

 Safety is no different than your other loss control programs. No manager involved in the production of a product would ignore certain controls such as quality, fire,  security,  absenteeism, drug and alcohol intake,  etc., yet in some companies,  safety receives only  token recognition.  When this happens, those companies  are  often driven out of business.
